ORF Seiten Blicke: „Wiener Opernsommer“

ORF kulturMontag: JOJI HATTORI – Home in two worlds
A production of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation.

Born in Tokyo and raised in Vienna, Joji Hattori is an individual with two identities. He looks like a Japanese, speaks like a Viennese and has his heart in both worlds. Even as an artist, one kind of career has never been able to satisfy him. He was celebrated as a musical prodigy, won the Yehudi Menuhin Violin Competition and made a mark as a violin soloist. However, he soon added conducting to his activities, he learned from Lorin Maazel, became music director of a festival and Principal Guest Conductor of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra.

He also studied social anthropology in order to explore questions around the national identity of individuals. His latest project fits in well with this interest: since 2015 he has been operating the finest Japanese restaurant in Vienna, constantly searching for new products and adventurous creations! A cinematic essay shows Joji Hattori on his travels between Europe and Asia as well as between music and gastronomy.