Artistic Director “Wiener Opernsommer Belvedere”
From July 2024, Joji Hattori will be artistic director of the newly founded open-air festival “Wiener Opernsommer Belvedere”.

First Opernsommer in front of Belvedere Palace
Home in two worlds
Until the 19th Century, it was very common for artists to be extremely versatile. Today we live in a society full of specialists.
Im my youth I suffered from being a „jack of all trades“ but Yehudi Menuhin gave me the advise not to stop doing many different things.
His explanation was that versatility and interest in other areas will ultimately benefit the depth of the art one makes, but that it takes a lot of time.
„It is OK to start as a jack of all trades as long as it is the aim to become a king or even ace of all trades one day!“
So far, I dedicated my life to conducting, playing the violin, studying anthropology, teaching the violin and running a Michelin-starred restaurant in Vienna.
My next plan is to start writing humorous books on various themes concerning daily life.
Please enjoy my homepage!